Book of Colossians
Paul wrote a letter to the church at Colosse (the Colossian people), along with help from Timothy, to address problems with false teachings. He wrote this around 62 A.D., which addressed the different issues with the false teachers that have infiltrated their church and caused problems. He also reminds the people of the pourer Jesus has over Jewish rules, because the false teachers came in trying to push Jewish rules and other legalistic material onto the people. Apparently, the false teachers thought the doctrine of the apostles and salvation of Christ was not good enough for the redemption of sins. ln addition, the false teachers tried to make the people worship angels. Therefore, Paul had a few things to connect with the people at Colosse.
Paul begins by thanking God and greeting them. He then expresses prayer unto them that they may understand God's Will, gain spiritual understanding, live a holy life pleasing unto the Lord, bear fruit for Christ, be strengthened by the Lord, and be thankful unto God. He then talks about the preexistence of Christ, known as preeminence which was before all things. Christ is the head the body (that is the church). ln addition, that all things were created by the work of Christ, and are sustained by Him. Christ also attempts to bring all things to harmony and unity in Him. Paul declares there is peace through the blood of His cross.
Soon, Paul writes about his own rejoicing in the ability to share in the sufferings of Christ. ln addition, that Christ in us is the hope of glory, and to have Him is to have life also. Every man should be made perfect in Christ Jesus. Next, Paul expresses his concerns for the churches at Colosse and at Laodicea. He hopes first that their hearts would be comforted and knit together in love. We can find treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Christ. He also hopes that they be rooted and build up in Him, in faith and thanksgiving.
Paul then assures them that Christ is sufficient, and that they are complete in Him, because He is the head of all principalities and powers. He speaks of circumcision before talking about the regulations that the false teachers (and Jews) tried to impose upon the believers. First, they were warned not to let any man judge them in meat, drink, respect of a holy day, the new moon, or of the Sabbath days. Second, he warns against worshiping angels, especially over the work of Christ. For this, in essence, is idolatry.
ln the next chapter, Paul talks about how their Christian lives shall be lived. First, they're instructed to set their affection on the things above, rather than on earth. Then, they need to put off sin, which includes covetousness, sexual immorality, and idolatry - so that the word of Christ may dwell in them. By resisting sin, they can put on the character of Christ.
Now, Paul gives instructions to them for their families. First, that wives submit to their husbands, and husbands love their wives with no bitterness. Second, for children to obey their parents in all things. Third, for fathers not to provoke their children to anger. Fourth, for servants to obey in all things to their masters. Then, whatever you shall do, do it passionately - as unto the Lord and not to men. Paul goes on to instruct masters and servants, where he tells them of just and equal service. ln addition, that they should continue in prayer and thanksgiving, walking in wisdom, and speaking with grace and with kind words.
Soon, Paul makes mention of his brothers Tychicus and Onesimus before mentioning a few others. After that, he gives his final instruction to them, that when the letter is read, let it be read aloud to the congregation. He did this probably to make sure the entire church was aware of what he was communicating, just in case the church leader(s) wanted to hide it. That is where Paul concludes his letter and ends it with a farewell.