Book of 1 Corinthians

From Journey the Word

ln this letter by Paul, he attempts to divulge church problems and come up with some solutions. He provides good instruction in this letters to the Corinthian people. There are many problems in the church in Corinth, including divisions and moral issues. Paul then addresses marriage, liberty of Christians, public worship, and the resurrection of Jesus.

Paul begins his letter by declaring to the Corinthian church that believers are called to be saints. Paul starts out on a positive note before addressing any problems, noting also that God is faithful. Paul states that he was sent to preach the gospel, not to baptize. He begins talking about Jesus and His power, the Holy Spirit and His power, and wisdom that is of God. Soon, Paul addresses immature believers who only want milk, but not the meat of the Word of God. Thus, this makes them carnal, subject to envy, strife, and divisions.

Then, Paul talks about laboring for God, and receiving their own rewards. Also, that we are laborers together with God. Soon, Paul notes that we are the temple of God thus, a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. The temple is sacred and must be kept holy. We learn also that the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God.

Later in chapter four, Paul gives warning that some are puffed up, and that, the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. Next, Paul addresses moral issues. First, he talks about fornication, and then tells them to "deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." We're to not only root out those members, but any evil members of the church. ln chapter six, the church is instructed that if any member has a matter against another, it shotdd be resolved within the church, not in a court of law. The church should know also that the unrighteous do not inherit the kingdom of God. Paul lists the kings of people in verses 9- 10. Paul warns the Corinthian believers that their bodies are members of Christ, so they should flee fornication (because it sins against his own body) * because their bodies are temples sf the Holy Spirit.

Then, in chapter seven, Paul teaches all about marriage from the duties assigned to the wife and husband (for each other and unto God) to separating from each other. He warns about mixed marriages, which involve a believer being with an unbeliever. Soon, he quickly switches gears to talk about circumcision before talking about how marriage affects one's Christian service before God. Next, Paul addresses another issue, which is about offering food to idols in the temple. Paul discusses whether it is right to buy and eat this meat. Also, if it's right to participate in idol's festivals.

Later, Paul notes about the problems of the Israelites, and how they were overthrown in the wilderness. The Israelites were marked as examples, so that Paul warns about lusting over evil things, being idolaters, committing fornication, tempting Christ, and murmuring. We get joy when we learn in 10:13 that, "there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God ls faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

Next, Paul once again warns about feeding idols, but this time in the form of feasts. Then, he tells the church to do all (eating or drinking) for the glory of God. Later, Paul talks about the Lord's $upper and restates how Jesus instituted it. Then, Paul switches gears and begins a three-chapter lecture on the Holy Spirit, First, in chapter twelve, Paul instructs on the different spiritual gifts, how the Spirit manifests to each man, and how important the gifts are to the church. Also, Paul talks about unity in the church, and that the church is like a body (that each part can't work without the other). ln chapter thirteen, Paul talks about having Spiritual gifts administered in love and the importance of love in the things that believers do. ln chapter fourteen, Paul talks about the issues in each gift and how to allow the gift to work, in the church context without error.

ln the next chapter, Paul talks about the resurrection of Christ, and for the Corinthians to keep in mind what was instructed. He foretells about the resurrection body that each raised-up believer will have after Christ's Second Coming. ln the last chapter, he addresses the collection for the poor, his own journey's schedule, and then he concludes by wishing them well to end the letter.