Book of Acts

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Acts was a book written by Luke around 63 A.D., addressed to a man named Theophilus. The Book of Acts appears to cover a lot of the history of the first church. Much of it is about the spread of the gospel throughout Jerusalem over to Rome. Luke also notes a lot about the Holy Spirit's involvement and role in the early church. That is where Luke starts to note on in the beginning of Acts, that through the Holy Ghost, Jesus gave commandments to the chosen apostles. The believers, especially those addressed by Jesus in 1:8 was promised to receive power after the Holy Ghost comes upon them. The Holy Ghost shall come upon believers by baptism in the Holy Ghost, as stated in 1:5.

Soon, Luke writes about the disciples going into the upper room, in when the day of Pentecost comes, they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (2:4). They u/ere all amazed (as in shocked) when this happened and thought each other was drunk with new wine. However, Peter corrected them and then noted a prophecy that God will pour out His Spirit upon man in the last days, brining gifts of the Spirit.

Next, Peter begins the first sermon for the church. Peter proclaimed in his sermon that Jesus is the Messiah, attributed to His resurrection from the cross. Peter brought a message of repentance (as he does with most of his teachings we see) to three-thousand people who were saved on the day of Pentecost. He blamed the people for crucifying Christ. When they questioned him about this, Peter answered them telling them to repent and be baptized. This could be so their sins are remitted, and then he fills them with the Holy Ghost. \I/hat was amazing is that the Lord added people to the church daily, the church had regular attendees, and the people gave regularly to support the church. The church's mission was being actively fulfilled.

Soon (in chapter 3), Luke notes Peter healing a crippled man, who was apparently incurable. Jewish leaders were then outraged and started opposing the ministerial work they had done. Those that witnessed the healing were in awe and gathered around Peter. Peter then administered his second sermon, by telling them too that they crucified Christ and need to repent and be baptized. Jesus was the long- promised Messiah, which Peter claimed frequently. At about five-thousand total now preached to, John and Peter were arrested for their preaching about Jesus.

After Peter and John were released from their arrest, they came and spoke to the people. Soon, everyone there was filled with the Holy Ghost. They had many signs and wonders among the people, from heating the sick, casting out unclean spirits, etc. Soon, the apostles were arrested and put in the common prison. The angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and instructed them to speak in the temple. So, they did. Someone reported they were in the temple, so they were bound again. They claim to obey God, not men. The apostles were then beaten and warned. However, they did not cease to teach and preach.

Soon, they recruited seven men (of honest report). Stephen and Philip were appointed as the first two deacons. Over time, Stephen was arrested and then stoned, and then the disciples were witnessing in Judaea and Samaria - baptizing and filling people with the Holy Ghost. Philip converted an Ethiopian man and baptized him. After that Paul (aka Saul) was found to be quite a persecutor toward the disciples. The Lord blinded Paul and questioned him. He told Paul to go meet Ananias, who would then restore his sight, after filling him with the Holy Ghost. Soon, Paul would begin preaching at Damascus before heading to Jerusalem. The Jews wanted him killed.

Peter did a few other miracles, such as healing Aeneas and raising Tabitha from the dead. Later, foreign missions would begin for Paul and Barnabas, who departed from Antioch to first Seleucia and then to Cyprus. Soon, they moved to preach in other areas, such as Perga and back to Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and once again back to Antioch. Paul was stoned, but not killed.

Next, Judas (aka Barsabas) and Silas were sent to help Paul and Barnabas. Barnabas soon requested that John (aka Mark) would come along, but Paul thought otherwise. Therefore, Paul and Barnabas separated. John went with Barnabas to Cyprus, while Silas went with Paul to Cyprus. Then, eventually, Paul selected Timotheus for work. Later, Paul and Silas were imprisoned, where they converted a fearful, guard. Soon, the magistrates let the two of them go.

Now, Paul and Silas went on another missionary journey to Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, and back to Antioch. A Jew named Apollos began preaching at Ephesus and then to Corinth, before John's disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost. Miracles were done in Ephesus by Paul, before an uproar broke out. This caused Paul to have to break up tris uproar, before he went to Caesarea and then to Jerusalem. Once he went there, he was arrested again. The Jews plotted to kill Paul, and he was tried before a few rulers before it was decided he done nothing wrong.

Paul would then sail for Rome. While on his journey, he came upon stormy seas and a shipwreck before he was finally able to reach Rome. Once there, he continued to preach, heal, and rebuke unclean spirits as he had always done. This ends the book of Acts by Luke, where Luke ends it without conclusion.