Book of Matthew
Matthew, the tax collector, was the writer of this Gospel book. The beginning of Matthew starts with a genealogy of Jesus from all the way back from Abraham and David. What this identified was Jesus' Kingly heritage in Abraham and David (covenantal heritage). In so many kingdoms in history, dynasties, heritages, hegemonies, and other royal arrangements were so. However, Jesus came to gain our focus on the Kingdom of GOD, and that is what John the Baptist was preaching before baptizing Jesus. The Davidic covenant ensured the promise of a King who would sit on the Throne forever/eternally according to 2 Samuel 7:8-13. The Abrahamic covenant ensured that all families of the earth would be blessed, according to Genesis 12:3.
First in Matthew, after the genealogy, we see Jesus' Birth told. His Birth was prophesied unto Joseph by the Angel of the LORD. This occurred in a dream/vision given to Joseph. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the reigning days of King Herod. The Angel of the LORD again appeared to Joseph telling Him to take Mary and Jesus with him and flee unto Egypt. This was because King Herod ordered all male children younger than 2 years old to be killed. To escape this, Joseph and Mary should go to Egypt. They took Jesus with them to Egypt until King Herod died. Soon, a vision was given to Joseph by the Angel of the LORD, telling him to take Mary and Jesus back with him to Israel. Jesus would now live in Nazareth, a village in or around Galilee.
Next, Matthew notes information about John the Baptist, who told people to prepare the Way for the Coming (First Advent) of the LORD. Jesus then approached John the Baptist, asking for baptism, to which the event occurred. However, John appealed to Jesus, wishing Jesus would rather baptize him (John). Jesus had insisted back, and there was the Baptism of Jesus Christ. During the Baptism, GOD and the Holy Spirit were with Jesus.
Jesus goes off to the wilderness for a 40 day fast, in which satan was there. This was for Jesus to be tempted. There were many things that Jesus was tempted by satan with, including food, water, prestige, etc. We see Jesus countering these temptations, every one of them from satan. After successfully completing the trials and tests, Jesus would finish His 40 days in the wilderness, and would show Himself indeed as Savior and King.
Then, Jesus began His Ministry in Galilee, which was close to home and close to His work in carpentry. He taught as John the Baptist did, "repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven (GOD) is at hand." Soon, Jesus called four disciples; two of which were Simon (later called Peter) and Andrew, whom He instructed to follow Him, and He would make them fishers of men (because they were existing fishermen). Next, Jesus came upon James and John, telling them to follow Him. All four began following Jesus, where He began teaching in the synagogues, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom (of GOD), and healing the sick and diseased.
After that, Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount, which through this teaching, Jesus taught GOD'S Principles for righteousness. Jesus started with the Beatitudes; showing how people were blessed in the Kingdom, on to anger to reconciliation, adultery, divorce, oaths, revenge, love for enemies, giving to the needy, prayer, fasting, storing treasures in Heaven, freedom from worry, judgments, hypocrisy, treating others like you would treat yourself, false prophets warning, and GOD'S WILL. Once the teaching finished there, Jesus healed many people, including a leper, a servant of a centurion, Simon's mother in law, and a paralytic.
Jesus totaled twelve disciples by now and gave them power to rebuke and remove demonic spirits and other unclean spirits, healing the sick/diseased, and telling of Jesus the Savior. He then told the disciples that they would also be preaching the Kingdom of GOD, and that they would suffer greatly, especially in persecution for His Sake. It is important to note that persecution from the devil involved suffering of the body just as people persecute others and hurt them. The devil aims to hurt the inside out, and evil people persecutors hurt the outside in.
Upon more teaching and healing, Jesus also casted out more demons. Next, Jesus began teaching on the kingdom of Heaven and told parables (stories) about it. Matthew records fifteen parables, twelve of which began with "the kingdom of Heaven is like..." Jesus spoke of the kingdom of Heaven being like the sower, the tares, the mustard seed, the leaven (in the dough), the hidden treasure, an expensive pearl, and a dragnet.
After that, Jesus had to deal with being rejected in His own country, Nazareth, and then His friend, John the Baptist, was beheaded. Next, Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves and two fish. Then, after teaching some more, Jesus fed four thousand more people with seven loaves and a few fish. Through these miracles, persecution increased from the Pharisees and others. Jesus began the building of the Church through Peter (and the other disciples). Jesus then predicted His own death, noting He'd be raised again on the third day.
Next, Jesus healed and taught more parables. Then, Palm Sunday came around. During this time, people celebrated Jesus as king/messiah, waving Palm Branches and other forms of celebration for Him. Soon after, Jesus went into the temple and overturned the merchant's tables, because they were doing business in the temple. Jesus ordered the merchants to leave. The Pharisees and other persecutors saw this and took note of it. Because of this, the Pharisees started testing Jesus to find flaws in His teachings. However, Jesus knew what they were up to and didn't fall to their tests. Jesus then taught more parables and other things, including the Great Commandment to love God and neighbors.
Next, Jesus prophesied about His Second Coming. He also prophesied for His people to be ready, which was taught through the parables: of the faithful servant, of the ten virgins, and of the talents. After this, Matthew writes about the plot to kill Jesus, which involved the chief priests, scribes, and elders unto the high priest Caiaphas. They wanted to take Jesus through subtlety and arrest Him. Judas then went to one of the chief priests and made a deal with him to betray Jesus.
Next, the Last Supper began, which was part of the feast of unleavened bread. Jesus gathered with His disciples, and administered His body and His blood for the remission of sins. Jesus knew of Judas' plan for betrayal, and Peter's expected denial of Him. Later, Jesus was betrayed and arrested, came before Caiaphas to be judged, and was denied by Peter. After Jesus came before Pilate and was voted to be crucified, Jesus was delivered over for During the stages of the crucifixion, Jesus was mocked, beaten, and whipped. Then, Jesus was crucified at Golgotha in the middle of two thieves. After a while of hanging on the cross, Jesus cried out before the Lord and gave up His spirit (and died). He was placed inside a tomb of His own, where He resurrected from three days later. Many had come and found the tomb empty.
Soon after, Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples (for Judas betrayed Jesus, and Judas was no longer a disciple as a result), where He commissioned them to go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. This would end Matthew's writings about Jesus.