Jesus Christ: 10th Journey
New Headquarters at Capernaum
Jesus journeys from Nazareth to Capernaum, which enables Him to begin increasingly miraculous ministry. We read the passages of Matthew 4:13-16; 4:31-32. Jesus makes Capernaum His headquarters, which fulfills the Prophecy of Isaiah (9:1-2). Now, we learn that Peter lives in Capernaum (Mark 1:29-35).
What was so significant about this was that in Capernaum, news could travel as far as 20 miles on this route in both directions (one led to Egypt and the other to the coast of Israel). That was quite significant for news during Jesus' era. In addition, the Sea of Galilee was nearby, which enabled a rich amount of fishing; therefore, it was a great place to live and work.
Coming upon Capernaum, which is one of Jesus’ main places (His headquarters), to which, He preached the Word with power as John the Baptist once did. Repentance would be preached to come, as it would bring light into darkness, so that the shadow of death would be overwhelmed with light so much that life would come!
What can we learn from this experience?
When the Gospel comes, light also comes—for when it comes to any place or any soul, day comes as well. The beautiful light is what illuminates our heart in Jesus Christ, for He will stay where there is light. He does not appreciate darkness and will root out any darkness and trouble of any kind, because He is righteous enough to do so with God’s Power!
Jesus calls four fishermen
We continue in the passages of Mark 1:16-20; Matthew 4:18-22; Luke 5:1-11.
Peter and Andrew, fishing brothers no doubt, had met Jesus earlier and accepted Him as the Messiah. Another pair of fishing brothers would come night unto Jesus, whose names are James and John. Jesus asked all four of these good men to leave their work so that they could follow Him in bringing people into the Kingdom of God (becoming “fishers of men”).
Peter already knew what was to be expected since Jesus told him to let down his nets again after not catching anything, to which, fish flooded in nearly breaking their nets. This impressed Peter that Jesus is the Lord, and soon, Peter confesses his sinfulness by falling at the feet of Jesus.
What can we learn about this?
Whenever one is in doubt, trust upon the Lord, for He will show you great things as He did to these fishermen. What was impressive was that Jesus told Peter to drop his net again, to which, much more fish overcame their nets.
What was even more impressive is that Peter broke his guard (which he was a prideful and arrogant person), and fell at the feet of Jesus in humility. We should not be afraid to fall at the feet of Jesus and place our troubles in His Hands so that He may help us in any time of need.
The demoniac healed in the Synagogue on the Sabbath
This story from Scripture can be found in Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:33-37.
While in Capernaum, Jesus preached in the local Synagogue, to which, people noticed His teaching was quite different from other Jewish teachers (heretical). However, Jesus was unconcerned about the small points of the Law, but rather, involved truth about God plainly and honestly. Although, those who heard had no doubt that this was God’s Message taught with Authority!
Nonetheless, on this occasion, Jesus’ teaching was violently opposed by an evil and satanic power that controlled a man in the audience—to which, Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and exorcised it from the man, which amazed many people in the audience. They could not believe what power He had, and therefore, His fame spread quickly overall in Galilee.
What can we learn about this story?
People will continue to oppose the message of Jesus, mainly if their hearts are not opened. However, we must pray that people’s hearts and minds be open to the Gospel, so that we may preach unto them, to let them receive the Lord’s Eternal Blessing. Jesus has the ability to deliver us from the hand of the enemy, just as He did with this man that had an unclean spirit.
Jesus heals Peter’s Mother-in-Law
This healing event can be found in Mark 1:29-34; Matthew 8:14-17; Luke 4:38-41.
Jesus leaves the Synagogue and goes to Simon’s house. He heals Simon Peter’s Mother-in-Law. That evening, all that were brought to Him that were sick were healed, and the demon possessed was delivered. This fulfills Prophecy given by Isaiah (53:4).
More examples of Jesus’ Ministry are seen, as the Presence and Power of God are evident of those healed from the affliction by satan. One example was in healing Peter’s mother-in-law, to which, when Jesus touched her, the fever had left. Later on, He healed and exorcised many more.
Have you noticed? Peter was married... But to whom? A mystery. Think you might have a clue? Comment below.
What can we glean from this?
Even the littlest of illnesses and afflictions are not too small or too much for the Lord Jesus, for He is able to heal and deliver anyone at any time under any circumstance.
Jesus is rejected at Nazareth, and people do not believe in His Ministry Work. We read in Luke 4:16-30. Jesus returns to Nazareth and reads from the Book of Isaiah in the Synagogue. Jesus brings out the Scripture that applies to Himself. He reveals their unacceptance of Him as a Prophet. The people become angry and try to kill Jesus.
Commonly, the Book of Moses would be read through in a year, which is what Jesus helped read that day.
Jesus visited Nazareth after returning to Galilee, and went on the Sabbath to join the other Jews in worship to God in the Synagogue. Jesus stood and read something else, which was Isaiah 61:1-2, and then sat down and explained how the passage applied to Him, to which, He is the Messiah who brought God’s Salvation to a world that was oppressed by sin.
This astounded many people, because many previously knew He was the carpenter’s son, but didn’t know He could preach so well. However, before they’d accept Him as the Messiah, they wanted Him to work miracles in Nazareth as He did elsewhere. Jesus refused, however, because He knew they did not believe in Him sincerely, but only wanted to see Him perform something spectacular. He was uninterested in their vain requests.
To add to His responses, He quoted a proverb to show that God’s Messengers are not typically appreciated by those that they live around, but are welcomed elsewhere. He illustrated Elijah was being unpopular in Israel, but was welcomed by a woman in Phoenicia. Elisha was also rejected by the Israelites, but was sought by a soldier in Syria.
When the Israelites rejected the servants of God, He sent His Blessings to other people of diverse countries. Nazareth would be treated the same way, in that God’s Blessings would go elsewhere—even the Gentiles. The people of Nazareth understood Jesus in this instance, and then they burst into anger, which showed what Jesus had said was true of their hearts. They tried to murder Jesus; however, He escaped unharmed.
What can we learn from this?
We learn in this whole process, especially as Christ explains, is that by Christ, sinners may be loosed from guilt—to which, by His Spirit and Grace, corruption may be removed from us. Righteousness would come by Word of the Gospel and bring light, therefore, to those in darkness.
Through the power of His Grace, people would be healed, delivered, freed from bondage, etc. He preached the acceptable year of the Lord, so that sinners may attend this event of the Savior’s invitation and bring liberty to the captives of condemnation.
The Savior would eventually be crucified by men’s sins; however, we, as Christians, honor Him as the Son of God, Savior of men, and obey Him—the One who brings Grace and Mercy unconditionally, because He loves us! If we believe by faith in Christ, and believe He is the One who shall welcome the Kingdom of God, we will indeed be Saved! Glory unto God!