Jesus Christ: 15th Journey
Jesus chastises three cities
Before Jesus is anointed, He deals with the behavior of three different cities. We are reading in Matthew 11:20-30, where Jesus has journeyed to other parts of Galilee at this time.
The Galilean towns of Bethsaida, Chorazin, and Capernaum were places where Jesus did much of His Work; however, some other cities were more immoral, such as Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom.
Because such cities witness the Ministry of Christ, but deliberately rejected Him, they would suffer more severe judgment than the Gentile towns that have not heard of Him or witnessed His Ministry.
Great privilege brings great responsibility, to which failure brings a greater judgment.
People refused to come to Christ and repent of their sins, because they were too comfortable in life and in their pride. However, many who were helpless turned to Christ, because they needed someone to help in their deepest needs, and through Him then came a New Relationship with God!
True refreshment is found in learning from Jesus and obeying His Teachings, to which, they found True Life!
What can we learn from this?
We must continue to come to Christ for rest for our souls, obey Him, and repent for our sins—which brings us into greater relationship with God. It is important for people to continue to come to Christ, refusing their vain pursuits, because their souls need saved from hell.
It may require self-denial, but it is completely rewarding in the end. Idolatry needs to end in any of our lives, because God is the only One on the throne and the only One worth worshiping!
We are given three commands:
- Come unto me…
- Take my yoke upon you…
- Learn of me…
There are four things He said of Himself:
- I will give you rest
- I am meek and lowly in heart
- My yoke is easy
- My burden is light
Jesus is anointed by a sinful woman in the House of Simon the Pharisee
We are beginning to see Jesus' miracles on a more significant scale. We are reading now in Luke 7:36-50. As a whole, a Pharisee called Simon invites Jesus to eat with him. An immoral woman of the city anoints Jesus’ feet, weeps, and wipes His feet with her hair. Jesus exposes Simon’s self-righteousness and declares the woman’s sins be forgiven her, thus provoking inner questionings among the guests.
As most Pharisees were, Simon kept the Laws as well of holiness, and he thought of God as being more pleased with him than the outcasts (like tax collectors and prostitutes).
He was surprised that Jesus would allow a prostitute to wash His Feet, and in his view, Jesus did not have Divine Knowledge as He said He did. Otherwise, Jesus would know what kind of person this woman was, and would not allow her to touch Him.
Jesus knew the thoughts of Simon, therefore, He told a story that would contrast his attitude with the woman’s, to which, Simon would never come to Jesus needing forgiveness. He had no reason to feel any love or gratitude for Jesus; however, the woman had heard Jesus’ message of forgiveness and was sorry for her sins so much that she came in trusting in His forgiving love for people. She showed her loving gratitude in the most meaningful way that she could.
What can we learn from this?
Jesus purchased the most gracious gift: Forgiveness, and provides it to all who ask. No matter whom you are, what you are, etc., you are welcome to Christ’s forgiveness by humbly coming unto Him!
Let us not let the spirit of the Pharisee come upon us; rather, we only rejoice in Christ and are prepared to obey Him.
- Jesus is cursed by many Scribes, Pharisees, and other prejudice people
- What did Beelzebub have to do with Jesus' Ministry? Well people thought His Miracles came from Beelzebub's work...
- But how would good miracles come from evil masqueraded work?
Before we dive into the juicy details of Jesus being cursed for working with Beelzebub, we must first explore how Jesus even started into His second tour of Galilee. Jesus, His Twelve Disciples, and a number of women, make a tour of cities and villages.
Visiting all the towns of Galilee was not easy; therefore, Jesus and His Disciples were helped by a group of women who went with them to look after their needs. These women were Mary Magdalene, who had seven devils leave her, Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others.
We are reading in the following Scriptures: Mark 3:19-30; Matthew 12:22-37. If you would like to reference the other Scripture surrounding Jesus' tour of Galilee, see: Luke 8:1-3
On one occasion of casting out demons, the Pharisees blamed Jesus of doing it to the power of satan. Jesus replied that if the devil was being used to cast out demons, the devil would only create war in his kingdom, because he would be destroying himself. The only way a strong man can be defeated is if a stronger one overpowers him. In casting out demons, Jesus showed He was stronger than satan and his demons. His Reign, which would result in crushing the serpent’s head, has begun.
God can forgive such doubts and misunderstandings about Jesus; however, He would not forgive blasphemous remarks or defiant rejection of Jesus’ Work, because His Work was good and originated in God! Those that called His Spirit “satan,” were clearly putting themselves in position to disrepute God’s Goodness.
Therefore, those that blasphemed would not receive forgiveness. One would not want forgiveness anyway, if he/she were to blaspheme against God, because their heart would have hardened completely or their minds completely blinded to the Grace of God!
The Good Works of Jesus were evidence of His Goodness, just as good fruit came from a good tree. The evil works of the Pharisees were the evidence of their evil hearts, in that; such evil will be used against them in Judgment.
What can we learn from this?
The Savior humbled Himself so much that He needed people to be kind to Him, which encouraged and blessed Him. We can do the same by offering our praise, gratitude, and service unto Him! He was rich in Spirit, but He became poor for our sake.
This tells us to focus more on Spiritual wealth for His Kingdom, rather than physical wealth. Though physical wealth may profit us here on Earth, it is only temporary; however, Spiritual wealth is Eternal!
It doesn’t mean that we need to become poor or stay poor; however, our focus must be on Spiritual wealth and less on physical wealth. It’s not bad to have “things,” but money is to serve us. If we are found to be serving money, we will be serving two masters, to which, we may love one and not the other.
We must choose God over money; family over money; Spirituality over money; etc. Man must work for the money he needs to support himself and his family; however, we must remember to make time for our family, but especially for God!
Now, the Doctrines of Christ seemed to have a boiling effect upon some people, especially religious leaders; however, it had the Power to break the devil’s power, which cast him out of people. Instead of satan possessing people, Christ was able to insert His Power to override and overthrow that demonic power, so that His Power could envelope the beings.
This brought grace, healing, and Salvation to the mortal bodies. We know that when Christ came in our lives, He had ridden the sin, evil, and other foul things out of our lives so His Grace, Healing, and Salvation could envelope us as well.
When we allow His Work to be done, it will be done to the overflowing abundance of Glory unto God! Therefore, we must beware of any evil speaking against Him, but rather, acknowledge His Glory!
What Beelzebub means...
Beelzebub is generally linked to being the “prince of demons,” or the devil himself. Many sources claim that this word comes from “Baal-zebub,” resulting from the idol deity of old from the Ekronites, which would call him the “lord of flies,” or “fly-god.”
Not exactly a very dignifying name. Others believe his name comes from “Beel-sebul,” which means, “dung-god.” Again, not very dignifying, as this would point him overall to being the author of pollutant abominations of idolatrous worship.
Christ shall be glorified above all! He is not associated with evil, He is Alpha and Omega Only and Above All on Earth!
Key Points:
- The Scribes and Pharisees wanted a sign, but Jesus presents an unexpected answer
- People must turn from sin and accept Him to be relieved and forgiven of sin
- Spiritual relationships are more important than natural relationships
The Scribes and Pharisees Demand a Sign
Jesus is pressured by the Scribes and Pharisees to give them a sign... What sign do they desire? We are reading in Matthew 12:38-45, as Jesus is still on the journey in Galilee.
So again, the Pharisees asked Jesus to give them a miracle as a sign that He was the Messiah, to which, He refused again. The only sign would be His Resurrection from the dead, which would be the Father’s complete confirmation to them that Jesus is His Son! Through their rejection of Jesus, they would guarantee themselves greater judgment on Judgment Day than the heathens.
The Queen of Sheba (a Gentile Kingdom) recognized Solomon’s wisdom and the people of Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah. However, the Jews of the current time of Jesus’ Ministry stubbornly refused to accept Him as Messiah (or even Savior).
Jesus then illustrated that people could not be just neutral. If they were not completely committed to Him, they would be against Him in the end. They would be as a person who benefits temporarily from cleansing of demons, but because of nothing positive to fulfill a better life, he becomes possessed by even worse demons.
People would benefit from His Ministry temporarily, but they would have to make a positively full turning away from sin and accept Him as Savior to be victors in the end. Otherwise, they would just be in more severe condemnation than they were originally.
What can we learn from this?
There is no room for Christ and unclean spirits together. Christ is the One who is able to set up residence for the Holy Ghost, as to become a Temple within for His Power. Therefore, people must recognize Christ as the Savior and believe, so that He may set up residence within us and prepare us for Eternal Life!
Christ's Mother and Brothers sought Him
Jesus is continuing in Galilee for the last part of this journey... We are reading now in Mark 3:31-35; Matthew 12:46-50; Luke 8:19-21. The children of Mary and Joseph born after Jesus were James, Joseph, Simon, Judas, and at least two daughters.
Jesus’ mother and His brothers come to seek Him and to speak with Him. Jesus shows that kinship is based on our relationship to God: all who obey Him are one big family. Jesus must have been so sad to have to see such an attitude in his brothers; however, He knew that more important than natural relationships were spiritual relationship. All those who are to obey God are related to Him and to one another in the vast Family of God.
What can we learn from this?
Jesus’ mother and brothers did not accept Him as the ones who accepted His Salvation and heard His Teachings, to which, Jesus spoke that family relationships were not as important as spiritual relationships. The reason for this is probably:
- Family relations may not accept you for who you’ve become, because they are too familiar with your past self.
- Putting the Father’s Work first is most important!
- Kinship is based on our relationship to God.
- All who obey Him are one big family.
- If your family supports you and is part of your spiritual family as well, this may not apply.