Jesus Christ: 17th Journey

From Journey the Word

Jesus does many miracles

Jesus is traveling to the East shore near Gerasa (Gadara) off of the lake of the Sea of Galilee. We are reading in the Bible in Mark 5:1-20; Matthew 8:28-34; Luke 8:26-39.

Jesus encounters two fierce demoniacs upon reaching the East shore of the lake and delivers them. In doing this, He allows the demons to enter a herd of “many” swine (2,000), causing them to drown in the lake. The whole nearby city asks Him to leave. One of the freed men asks to go with Jesus, but he is told to stay and testify.

Jesus visits the district of Gadara (or Gerasa). While there, He saw many Gentiles there who were called Gadarenes (or Gerasenes). Jesus encountered a man whose body was possessed and tormented by demons, and in order to release this torment, Jesus commanded the demons to come out of him.

These demons knew that Jesus was the Son of God and that one day He would judge them; therefore, they were angry He came to interfere with them before the appointed time. Jesus commanded the man to tell Him his name so that he might see how great a power of evil that has possessed him.

The demons saw the judgment that was nigh unto them; therefore, they begged Jesus not to send them immediately away to the place of punishment just yet. They decided they wanted to still be within living things; therefore, if they could not be in a man’s body, they would rather enter into animals, such as pigs. Jesus met their request; however, in entering the many swine, the swine went mad and drowned in the sea. This was proof of His Power over demons.

With the swine drowning, villagers were concerned over their farms & what might happen if Jesus remains; therefore, He was asked to leave. The man was left with the ability to spread the good news around the area.

Since these people were Gentiles, men did not have to keep quiet about the miracle (unlike in the Jewish communities where people were instructed to keep quiet about the miracles so Jesus is not quickly taken in, or attracting curiosity or people needing entertainment).

What can we learn from this?

The life of one man is more important to Jesus than 2,000 some swine.

Healing & Deliverance

Jesus is still at sea (Galilee), and arrives just off the lake at Capernaum to find a large crowd. We are reading in this part in Mark 5:21-43; Matthew 9:18-26; Luke 8:40-56.

Jesus has returned to the Jewish regions, to which, a Synagogue elder named Jairus has asked Jesus to come and heal his ill daughter. Jesus saw the man’s faith, to which, He made His way to the man’s house.

On the way, they were interrupted by a sick woman who had an issue of blood twelve years, to which, if she could only touch His clothing, she would be healed.

Because of her faith, Jesus knew someone needed help along the way. He searched for the woman so she could show her faith openly and be healed.

Jairus’ faith was tested while Jesus was healing the woman with the issue of blood, because he heard that his daughter died. Jesus responded by doing a greater miracle than he expected, for he brought his daughter back to life.

He allowed only five people to see this miracle and told them not to tell anybody else, because He did not want people flocking to Him for the wrong reasons.

What can we learn from this?

Jesus attracts those of little and great faith, and He will help them as needed. Once Jesus determines He will help someone, it does not matter the circumstance, even death, because He will bring the problem to resolution.

Healing of the Blind & Dumb

We are seeing Jesus continue His Miracles; therefore, we are reading now from just Matthew's account in Matthew 9:27-34.

Two blind men approach Jesus and beg Him to heal them, even using His Messianic title “Son of David,” to approach Him. However, He wanted them to have sincere faith, and would not heal them until they had it.

Jesus decided to heal them, but warned them not to tell anyone. Although some people misinterpreted His Miracles because of the Power He had, others misinterpreted His Miracles because they just hated Him.

What can we learn from this?

Some have lost their sight (not specifically eyesight), to which, they may, by God’s Grace have their eyes opened for a fuller understanding in the enlightening power of the Gospel!

Jesus is finishing ministry in Galilee, but first stops at Nazareth. This is not permanent, but due to the extent of ministry in the Galilean region, He is targeted from the powers that be. Most of His Ministry has been more public, but He is preparing for private ministry. Some adversity is encountered before these things become so.

Jesus' Final Visit to Nazareth

Jesus makes a 7 hour journey to Nazareth, as we are reading in Mark 6:1-6; Matthew 13:54-58. Jesus comes again to Nazareth and teaching in the Synagogue. Their prejudice hinders Jesus from doing a mighty work, although He heals a few sick people; Jesus marvels at their unbelief.

The people there where Jesus came next in Nazareth were surprised that such a person they had known only as a carpenter could preach so well; therefore, they refused to accept His evidence and admit that this One was indeed God.

They refused belief in Him, and therefore, Jesus would not use His Miracles to help them believe; however, out of compassion, He privately healed some sick people.

What can we learn from this?

Some people may despise us, because they know who our old selves are, but we claim to be otherwise, which causes them to disbelieve. Unbelief is a great hindrance to our work, and therefore, we may not be accepted in our original area, but in a new area, we may be widely accepted. Influence comes in many shapes and sizes, and we must depend upon Christ to bring the insight to lead us where to go to be able to have ability for influencing.

Third Tour of Galilee & Sending the Twelve forth

Jesus is taking a painstaking journey now.. From Nazareth to villages (small towns) around Nazareth. Around cities and villages of Galilee (Galilee about 10 hours North to South and 6 or 7 hours East to West). No doubt ending up at Capernaum where His Disciples met Him after their preaching tour. We are reading in Mark 6:6-13; Matthew 9:35-38; 11:1; Luke 9:1-6.

A third tour of Galilee (the last) with the Twelve Disciples: “teaching… preaching… and healing…” Jesus’ compassion for the crowds is seen. They are as “sheep without a Shepherd,” or a “harvest to be gathered.” Jesus gives the Twelve Disciples power over unclean spirits and power to heal the sick.

He sends them to proclaim the coming of the Kingdom. He gives them careful instructions about their ministry, and warnings. Jesus goes from city to city, alone.

Jesus sent out His Twelve Disciples (Apostles) to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Messiah, to which, the miraculous powers of the Messiah were given to them also that the can use, so that the knowledge of His Love and Mercy might spread quicker through the land.

Jesus could not spread the Gospel worldwide in His Lifetime; therefore, the Apostles had to concentrate on Israel. They were to take with them the bare necessities for daily needs, so they are not hindered in travel. They were not to waste time preaching to people who were refusing to listen. Go to areas where the Gospel hasn’t been heard yet.

What can we learn from this?

Go and do as the Lord has called you to do without apprehensions of needs and other things, for He has provided all of the needs that we have. In addition, don’t bother with people who only ignore you, but go to people who will receive you and be willing to listen.

Herod has fear for murdering John the Baptist

Herod Antipas, a son of Herod the Great, is fearing for his life due to his murdering of John the Baptist. News of Jesus’ Ministry finally reaches the King, who supposes superstitiously that it is John the Baptist resurrected. Then the gruesome story of Herod’s murder of John is told. We are reading now in Mark 6:14-29; Matthew 14:1-12; Luke 9:7-9.

John the Baptist has been executed, and when Herod heard about Jesus’ Miracles, he feared that Jesus was really John that had come back to life and that supernatural powers were working within Him. Remembering back when John went to prison, this was because John accused Herod of adultery in marrying Herodias, the wife of Herod’s brother Philip.

Herod respected and feared John, as He knew that John was godly and that such accusations were true. However, no discussion with John could persuade Herod to conquer his passions and give up Herodias.

John’s place of imprisonment was a dungeon inside Herod’s palace, which gave Herod the opportunity to speak to John often and made it easier for Herodias to get rid of him. She hated John for interfering with them, and she was quick to act when she saw the chance for him to be executed.

What can we learn from this?

Accusations do not change who a person is, nor does it change the situation. John was a good man, and people believed good things about him. Even though he was imprisoned for accusing Herod for adultery, he was still a good man whom Jesus honored.

Preparing for the next period

With Christ's blessing, a little goes a long way. The next period of Jesus' Life is a bit more secluded, as He becomes a tutor for the disciples. One of His most amazing miracles is upcoming that we will explore. Stay tuned into this blog for more marvelous information about our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are seeing Christ's next period where He is ministering to the Twelve Disciples. We are journeying in Mark 6:30-44; Matthew 14:13-21; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-13.

When the Apostles returned from their first tour, they met Jesus in Galilee and wanted to be alone with Him for a while. Jesus also needed rest, so He did not mind. However, when He saw crowds of people flocking to Him in need, He felt pity. They appeared to be spiritually starved sheep that had no food, because there was no shepherd to feed them.

Jesus alone could satisfy spiritual needs of the people, and without Him, the Apostles were not able to satisfy even the physical needs of the people. With five loaves and two fish, Jesus miraculously fed a huge crowd, and reminded the Apostles of the miracles they did on their tour was because of His Power.

To many people, the miracle was a sign that Jesus was the Great Prophet of promise. Just as Moses was, He has miraculously fed God’s People in the wilderness.

What can we learn from this?

By Christ’s blessing, a little can go a great way, for He had fed so many people with such a small load, because of His ability to multiply. This is also a bit like sowing and reaping, for the little bit of provision they had was the seed, and Christ came and made the harvest so that many people could reap.

We know that by this, His Blessing is proven to be available to believers and unbelievers alike, so we need not be afraid to tell people of the bountiful riches that are in Christ Jesus!

Jesus refuses political Messiahship

We are now journeying in Mark 6:45-46; Matthew 14:22-23; John 6:14-15. Jesus is dealing with several issues, especially due to His marvelous miracles.

When Jesus sees they are going to take Him by force and make Him King, He sends the Twelve by boat across to the other side of the Sea ahead of Himself. He dismisses the crowd, and then goes up into a mountain alone to pray.

The multitudes that saw Jesus perform such great things wanted to make Him their King, and were going to take Him by force. However, He was able to escape by first sending the Twelve Disciples onto a boat, and then going up to a mountain alone to pray.

What can we learn from this?

We must learn to do the same in times of popularity and temptation. Many today will say they are God’s man of the hour. Instead of doing that, they should humble themselves. Instead of getting puffed up over their ability or gifts, they should be more dependent on God.

Jesus ran away from titles, honorariums, designations, and other counterfeit affections, because He had the only approval He needed: God! And because of this, we too can receive the same kind of approval and stop our need for power and respect. Respect of persons is sin, and Jesus knew this, so He avoided their treacherous behavior (Romans 2:11; James 2:9; 1 Peter 1:17).

Jesus takes an extensive tour in this journey. He first travels from a mountain near Bethsaida to Bethsaida near Capernaum, before heading over to Capernaum - and his tour may have likely went on further from here. We are reading in Mark 6:47-52; Matthew 14:24-33; John 6:16-21.

The Disciples were sent on a boat while Jesus escaped the multitude, to which, the Disciples on the boat again encountered a storm. The boat was off course and hard to row; however, Jesus came to His Disciples by walking on the water.

They were quite fearful and unsure what to say. Peter replies and says if it is really Him, then have him come to Him. Jesus told him to come, and when he did, he walked on the water to go to Jesus, but when the wind blew, Peter was fearful and sank crying to the Lord for help.

Jesus saved Peter, and wondered why their faith again failed them in a state of crisis. They saw His Power in feeding the 5,000; therefore, why did they not know His Power was still available to them.

What can we learn from this?

When Jesus goes to lead us, we need to listen. In Peter’s case here, the natural man gave in and did not listen to the spiritual man on the inside. We must have contact with the spiritual man to understand spiritual things. We must fully trust the Lord, for He makes the difference!

Gennesaret Welcomed Jesus

We are reading here in Mark 6:53-56; Matthew 14:34-36, as Jesus is welcomed into Gennesaret. They come to land South of Capernaum at the plain of Gennesaret. The sick are brought from everywhere and by simply touching His clothes, they are healed. He travels about in this part of the country, ending up at Capernaum.

What can we learn: No matter how far off course we may be blown, we will always be in a place where the Lord can work to help us and help others. We must depend upon the Lord, because He is our source of strength.