Jesus Christ: 4th Journey

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This journey marks the beginning of the second period (for educational purposes) of Jesus' Life. We begin the talk about the beginning of Jesus' Ministry. From Jesus' Baptism to the temptation He endured in the wilderness, there is plenty to learn here. Be blessed!

The Main Story of This Journey

Note: Prepare your own Bible and please read all of the Scriptures given on this page.

Part 1: Jesus' Baptism

Scripture for Part 1

Mark 1:1-11; Matthew 3:1-17; Luke 3:1-23.


John the Baptist is first recorded here to be preaching, 'Repent, for the Kingdom of GOD (same as Kingdom of Heaven) is at hand.' This was a cry to help others repent of their sin, because they would receive a reward soon - 'at hand' literally meant "immediately". Next, John shouted for them to prepare the way for the LORD to come. This had shocked some people nearby, with them thinking that if this is truly GOD who came down as a human, would He destroy them? So, Jesus was feared right from the start of His Ministry.

It is customary for a Jew to be in 'mikva' - that is, immersed in water. However, this was not for "baptismal ritual sake". Recognize immediately what we see in Scripture: The turning point of using immersion to using only the Holy Ghost. Here is where things get interesting, Jesus steps close to John the Baptist. Jesus asked for baptism, yet John the Baptist refused Him. But, after His insistence, John had done the old method of immersion as known in the Jewish custom, but when Jesus came out of the water - The Holy Ghost came out of a split open sky and rested on Jesus' shoulder, proving that baptism at that moment changed from immersion, to just the Holy Ghost infilling. From then on, baptism with water was no longer necessary, because the baptism of the Holy Spirit was the new way that believers were and are marked for GOD (the Holy Ghost's mark on their life).

This glorious occasion set up Jesus with the Holy Ghost, and fulfilled prophecy in a few different ways. John the Baptist preached before Jesus had arrived, and John doing his normal water baptism rituals told the town-folk that even though he (John) baptizes with water, there is someone (Jesus) coming who will baptize with 'fire'. The fire he spoke of was of Holy Ghost Fire, for GOD is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). Fire reminds us that we have a Maker/Creator in Heaven, and to not play with fire. A reasonable human would understand to never play with fire, because it can cause a wealth of issues in human lives. The earth suffers because of fire. Volcanic activity is rooted in fire. Wildfires consume many hectares of forestry and other lands. Fire can destroy, and fire can build. It shows us that GOD has both abilities: To destroy with fire and build things with fire.

When the LORD GOD initiates Holy Ghost fire in someone's life, He is building their Life, and rebuilding their soul. Many people are aware of the characteristic work that GOD has in our lives for those who are elect. Many people do agree with they can feel the fire of GOD within their heart and soul when they have been enlightened by the Light of Jesus Christ. The mark of Salvation is to see the Light within, and if you are unable to see the Light within, your Salvation should be reconfirmed.

At Jesus' Baptism, GOD spoke these awesome words, 'This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased'. We do recognize in the Book of Revelation that even Jesus, who poses as GOD the SON, has fire in His Eyes (Revelation 1:14).

Part 2: Jesus' Temptation in the wilderness

Scripture for Part 2


Part 3:

Scripture for Part 3


Teaching and review

Admonitions to understand:

Final words for this lesson: