Jesus Christ: 5th Journey

From Journey the Word

John the Baptist witnesses to the priests

The Scripture we will be referencing is John 1:19-28, where Jesus goes from "The Wilderness" to Bethabara (East of Jordan). The Jews sent a committee of Priests and Levites to find out who John was. John the Baptist denies being the Christ or Elias, and neither was He the Prophet. He said, “I am only a voice crying in the wilderness.” John tells about the coming of Jesus.

John is seen here witnessing to Priests, to which, they ask him if he is Christ, and he declines. They ask even if he is Elias (Elijah), to which, he declines. He says he is “the voice of one crying in the wilderness,” and then he commands them to make straight the way of the Lord, as said by the Prophet Esaias (Isaiah). He was not the typical prophet, to which, the Priests question him why he baptizes and preaches on repentance if he is not the Christ. He then speaks up that the Glorious One is coming. John admits that he does not even have the right to loosen His shoes for Him.

What can we learn from this?

Humble yourself, especially if people ask you if you are some kind of Christ or savior, for we only point to One Savior (Christ the King)! He is the One returning soon, and therefore, we have responsibility in all that we do to point to Christ!

Jesus calls His first disciples

The Scripture used to cover this is John 1:29-51. This is on the same journey as when John the Baptist witness to the priests; therefore, God's Work does not stop there, but extends to the first disciples being called. John the Baptist acknowledges Jesus as “The Lamb of God” and calls Him the “Son of God.” Andrew and John (the son of Zebedee) become Jesus’ first Disciples. Andrew finds Peter; Jesus finds Philip; Philip finds Nathanael; Jesus tells Nathanael that He saw him under the fig tree; Jesus tells Nathanael that “greater than these shall he see.”

John sees Jesus coming upon him, and points him out as the Lamb of God. John preached repentance, but told his followers that the only one who could purge sins was Jesus—for upon the Sacrifice of Him, sins are pardoned. To confirm his testimony, John declares the appearance at His Baptism, to which, God Himself bore witness to him that He is the Son of God.

Meanwhile, two Disciples heard Him speak, and followed Him. Jesus noticed them and then asked them of what they sought, and they answered, “Where dwellest thou?” He told them to come and see, that is, to follow Him. Who followed? Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. Andrew tells Simon that they have found the Messiah, “The Christ.” As Simon was brought to Jesus, Jesus had called him, “Cephas,” which interprets to, “a stone.”

As Jesus heads into Galilee the next day, He saw Philip, telling him to “follow me.” Philip quickly grabs Nathanael, telling him they have found Him; the person of Prophecy told by Moses and other prophets. When Nathanael came to see for himself, Jesus complimented him that he has no guile (he was not sly or cunning). Apparently, Jesus had seen him a while back under the fig tree. Therefore, Nathanael was of good character, and soon, he tells Jesus, “Thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.” Jesus then said greater things are coming for them to see, even Heaven opening, to which, the Angels of God ascend and descend upon the Son of man.

What can we learn from this?

We should testify, as John did, of what we know of Jesus Christ. When we declare Him upon other people, we all will be blessed. When people hear of such glory, it could interest them and even save them (if necessary). When Christ asks us what we seek, as He did to the Disciples, we should tell Him what we desire or need.

When Jesus notices our character, just as He did of Nathanael, we can know that we have developed well (especially spiritually). He knows us thoroughly; therefore, we should continue to seek to know Him more diligently. Let our hearts be pure as well, for He knows the contents. Let us love Him and love each other, for this is one of the marks of Christlike character!