Journey Word 2: The Fallen World

From Journey the Word

Genesis 3-5 discussion – A FALLEN WORLD

Since we noted that the first two chapters of Genesis described the world as “very good” as it was created, we recognize things change in chapter 3 of Genesis. God placed the first man and first woman in the Garden of Eden, which was a place where they tended to God’s Creation and cared for the creatures living there. Both Adam and Eve were unclothed and did not have shame for it (Genesis 2:25).

As the image bearers of God, Adam and Eve could either trust in God’s Goodness and accept the immortality, or they could choose to know good and evil just as He but be given spiritual death for their disobedience (they were warned in Genesis 2:17). However, Eve was deceived by the serpent, and she chose the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil – and Adam followed suit.

Soon, Adam and Eve would experience both good and evil, and began to feel shame. They hid from God, even though it was no use. Sinful choices bring consequences, and since decisions matter, it is important to choose the right decision and take a stance against sin. Because of their disobedient act, sin, death, suffering, disease, pain, and more evil entered the world. Now life became difficult, with hard work, broken relationships, physical pain, hard child rearing, etc. The world was forever changed at that moment. That is the value, though, on human decision making – to be able to cause that large of a change in the world… Imagine what we can do by speaking life! 🙂

There are different things that happened that were certainly tragic, such as Cain, who was jealous of Abel’s sacrifice being accepted by God, killed him because of it. This was the first murder.

Genesis 6-11 – Noah’s Ark

Many years have passed since the Adam and Eve lineage occurred with the fall of man. The human race at this point has increased rapidly, but also evil, corruption, violence, and suffering. God was grieved and wanted the human race destroyed and restarted. He sent a flood the world has never seen, which eradicated everything. In this undoing, God would fulfill one redemptive purpose.

The one man that found favor with God was Noah. God chose to save Noah and his family of this wrath, and assign them the task of building an ark to save two of each creature and his family. Finally when the waters receded, Noah and his family, as well as the creatures, exited the ark and walked into the “new world.”

God then made an everlasting covenant with Noah and all living creatures. He declared that He would never again destroy the earth in this fashion (the flood). The rainbow in the sky would prove this covenant to still be true, “sign of the covenant” – God will keep His Promise.

In this new place, it was not long before humans, including Noah and family, would begin acting sinfully again and reaping consequences.

Chronology of the Flood

7 days before the flood Noah, his family, and the animals enter the ark

1st day of flood Rain begins falling

40th day Rain stops; the earth is overflowing with water

150th day Water begins to recede with the ark resting on Mt Ararat

224th day Mountain tops can be seen

264th day Noah sent a raven, but it couldn’t find land

Day 271 Noah sent a dove, but it could not find land

Day 278 Noah sent a dove and it returned with an olive leaf

285th day Noah sent a dove, but it does not return since it found land

Day 300 Noah sees the ground drying up

Day 370 finally Noah and his family, along with the animals, exited the ark.

Timeline of events entirely from Genesis 1-11

Creation: Within 6 days, God created the world and human beings in His Image – He called it “very good.” (Genesis 1-2). In the future, God will create the new heaven and the new earth (Revelation 21).

God rested on the 7th day (Genesis 2:2). The Book of Hebrews spoke of the true Sabbath rest of peace for those that trust in Jesus Christ as Savior (Hebrews 4:1-11).

Adamic Covenant: God’s promise of provision for His Creation (Genesis 1:26-30; 2:15-17).

The Fall of Man: Adam and Eve broke God’s command of not to eat of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:1-7). In the Book of Revelation, the serpent who had deceived Eve was identified as satan himself (Revelation 12:9; 20:2). Paul also explained that death and sin entered the world through one man (Adam), but that death is not the final word, because if all men die in Adam, all men can be made alive in Christ Jesus (Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:22).

God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8-34). Genesis 3:15 pointed to the coming of Jesus Christ as the redeemer of the world who would defeat satan. (See also 1 John 3:8; Hebrews 2:14).

Cain kills his brother Abel in the first murder (Genesis 4).

Population, along with sinfulness/evil increases (Genesis 5-6).

At obedience to God, Noah built the ark (Genesis 6). The Book of Hebrews listed Noah as an example of faith in trusting God (Hebrews 11:7).

Noah and family, and pairs of creatures entered the ark (Genesis 7:1-5), God sent the flood to cover the earth (Genesis 7:6-24), and the flood waters receded allowing Noah and family along with animals to exit the ark (Genesis 8:1-19).

Noahic Covenant: God promised to never again destroy the earth in a flood with the rainbow being the sign of this promise (Genesis 8:20-9:17). In his vision of God’s Heavenly Throne room, John saw a magnificent rainbow (Revelation 4:3).

Noah planted a vineyard and became drunk with wine (Genesis 9:18-29).

Noah’s descendants populated the earth (Genesis 10).

At the Tower of Babel, God confused the language of the people and scattered them due to their prideful ways (Genesis 11).