Need for Scripture
2 Timothy 3:15-17 “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
God has inspired the Holy Scriptures to be given unto Man to instruct them in His Doctrine. Doctrine is between God & Man – not corporately set by a church body. This helps perfect the man so the man knows how to do good works unto people in godliness. This wisdom is obtained by Salvation in Jesus Christ, in which we have righteousness before God. Men are not wise alone, for naturally are without understanding of spiritual things. The things of God’s Spirit cannot be known by the natural man because of being spiritually discerned. The Scriptures help to make men wise in the aspect of spirituality. The wisdom of Salvation is not in the Jewish Law, but it is in Jesus Christ, which lies within faith that imputes onto us as we study His Holy Word.
All Scripture of all kinds, Old Testament and New Testament are given for the edification of man, and are of God, not men. The Scriptures transcend all human understanding, and its capacity cannot be surpassed. The Scriptures do the job of discovering, illustrating, and verifying doctrine concerning God, and helps us understand the attributes of God and the majesty of Jesus Christ. Ministers should obtain their doctrine from the Scriptures, and then use it to reprove heresies, for the Sword of the Spirit cuts down all false and heretical doctrine. The Scriptures are the perfect rule of faith and every believer is expected in the use and practice of the Holy Scriptures.
The Scriptures of the first Christians were the Jewish writings that were held sacredly, and we believe what Jesus said that the Old Testament writings referred to Him (Luke 24:44). Second Temple Jews understood their Scripture differently from the Samaritans, because the Samaritans seemed to have rejected all writings of Scripture except for the Torah. It seems that Paul was referencing Old Testament Scripture in this context when writing unto Timothy. However, in the modern day, we do believe that all other Scripture is given for the same reasons, because they too (the New Testament) is about Jesus and His Redemptive Work.
It appears “from a child” references a Jewish custom to allow a child that is age 5 to begin learning the Scriptures. Timothy knew this for his mother was a Jewess, and trained him early in the writings of the Word, and then eventually Paul mentored him by servitude.
1 Timothy 6:11 says to follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. John 5:39 says Scripture testifies of Jesus Christ, the giver of eternal life.