Poetry & Wisdom

From Journey the Word


In The Book of Job, we find that the satan is like a prosecuting attorney figure, whom goes before God making accusatory statements of Job in hopes to find wrong in Job. Now, if you’re looking for a problem, you will probably find one. However, Job was uniquely righteous and had his time to shine, had it all taken away, and then had a time to shine much brighter. This shows us that no matter what the devil throws at us, God will still see us as we are when we believe in Him, and that is righteous! Job became satisfied at the end, not by having his questions answered by God, but by the fellowship he had with Him! God showed that He approved Job, even when others did not. Job was faithful unto God through everything and is a picture of true righteousness.

Outline of Job

   I. The satan tests Job (chs. 1-2)
       a. The satan’s meeting with God & plan of testing for Job (1-2:8)
       b. Job and his wife (2:9-10)
   II. Job and his three friends conversation and arguments (chs. 3-31)
       a. First argument round between Job and his friends (chs. 3-14)
       b. Second argument round between Job and his friends (chs. 15-21)
       c. Third argument round between Job and his friends (chs. 22-26)
       d. Job’s self-evaluation (chs. 27-31)
   III. Job and Elihu (chs. 32-37)
   IV. God’s answer/rebuke of Job & Resolution (chs. 38-42)
       a. God’s conversation, answer, and rebuke with Job (chs. 38-41)
       b. Job’s final answer (42:1-6)
       c. Job’s resolution & reward (42:7-17)

Characters of Job

   • God, who in His greatness and omnipotence, is seen in different symbols in the Book of Job, such as, thunder, lightning, whirlwind, rushing wind, etc. Job had feared God.
   • The satan, as I said above, works as a prosecuting attorney type of figure, which allows him to be able to come before God with a case (in this case, we see Job’s righteousness to be tested). He is an angelic being in this sense who is assigned by God to find wrong in people. This was likely needed before The Law of Moses came, because there wasn’t any way to choose right from wrong or vice-versa (no law-abiding standard). Toward the beginning of the Book, we see the satan classified as an “accuser of the brethren.” It appeared that the satan only had power to try Job, but had to have God’s permission first – AND he had limits as to how far he could go with it. He is a being with a certain amount of power, who is the author of all evil.
   • Job, a man of great wealth and considered righteous in his community. He was revered and respected as a “perfect” man.
   • Job's wife, someone who wasn’t spoken of much, but someone who was quick to lose hope/faith in God for the situations that occurred to them.
   • Eliphaz, the Temanite: he was a man of science, and argued about things merely on experience and facts. He was self-convinced that Job was a secret sinner.
   • Bildad, the Shuhite: he based all of his arguments from tradition.
   • Zophar, the Naamathite: He was a moralist who believed in salvation by self-merit, and therefore, endeavored to prove Job’s calamities were resulting from his sins of omission.
   • Elihu, son of Barakel the Buzite: We see him come in, in chapters 32-37 – to which, he contended that God was punishing him in order to humble him. He worked as a mediator, condemning Job’s friends for accusing Job of hypocrisy – and also admonished them to witness God’s greatness in Creation and goodness in revelation.

The big story

The succession of Job’s troubles was a great reward…God comforted, healed, and restored Job. He gave Job twice as much as he had before. People came and supported him, giving him things such as money. Job was blessed more in the end than in the beginning, for Job had 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses. He had seven sons and three daughters (for the Lord blessed more children unto him as to replace what he lost, but be more fulfilling).

From the top: God calls the devil’s attention to the “righteousness of Job” and also called out the lack of the satan’s ability to corrupt Job. The satan had called out that Job had a mercenary spirit of obedience toward God – which meant that Job would only be serving God for reward. He then declared that if God took away the blessings and hedge of safety from Job, that Job would no longer be loyal unto Him. God accepted such challenge – for God didn’t mind acknowledging Job’s loyalty, but also wanted to reveal His power of grace that is able to keep His servant. God wanted His Power to be demonstrated. God limits satan in trying Job. The satan appeared to have challenged God more, and was allowed to continue trying Job.

Job 1:8-12, “And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought? Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face. And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD.”

Job 2:3-6, “And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause. And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face. And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life.”

Spiritual value

This book gives us a great example of the relationship between God and a man, and how this righteous man was tested, but still stayed faithful in the end. This proves unto us that if we stay faithful, we will be rewarded. However, we stay faithful because we love God, because He loved us first. We are in His light, because He has allowed us. Now, back in this time, before the Law of Moses came about, Job was called righteous. Therefore, being called righteous, there was no standard for righteousness back then. Until the Law, no one could be righteous according to the Law. We have to evaluate then, what gave people the reason to call him a perfect man? What gave people the standard of perfection? People make up their own standards of perfectionism based on man’s perspective. However, we need to look at perfectionism based upon God’s perspective. For this gives us the greatest reward, that when we see that we are righteous based upon what Christ did, not what man did – this shows us that no matter what we do, He still loves us completely. Job didn’t simply become perfect, he was called righteous, because people believed that he was without sin.

Since the standards didn’t exist for what sin was and what wasn’t – that is, according to the Law – sin was not a big thing that people knew about. Most of the time, it was probably intellectuals of that day, or people that had heard from God who were aware of what sin was, what was incorrect in His Eyes, and how we can resolve the issues between ourselves and God. After this, we finally see the standards for sin come about, when we see the Law of Moses come about and begin to have knowledge of the consequences of this sin. Most people just knew that sin meant disobedience to God. We’ve got to come to the point where we think about how it has changed since.

Jesus came along, and He set a new standard for what fulfilling of the Law of Moses was: love. Loving God, and loving your neighbor were two great things rooted in love that is the fulfilling of the Law. Through all trials, temptations, and struggles…God is always sending the message that He loves us! Even though Job saw his tests, witnessed all the crazy things that had occurred, and had naysayers telling him things he didn’t want to hear – God was always there in love telling Him that He is with him. God was there through it all observing this situation while Job was being horribly tested. God knew of the destructive tendencies of the devil’s handiwork, but God placed limits on the satan because He loved Job. He didn’t want to see Job fall away. Was it God’s purpose that Job’s children got killed? No. We learn that the satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Since the satan is never satisfied (resulting from a human condition), he probably thought it would be great to just kill off close people in Job’s life. Just as long as he could hopefully pull Job away from the presence of God, from his relationship with God – he would be satisfied. However, we learn that through it all, Job had not wavered.

Job, even through doubts and being reprimanded by God, stayed faithful and humble unto God because he truly loved God. We can experience this same loving relationship with Him. He loves us so much that He places limits on how people can hurt us, how we can be tested, and how much is taken from us. We must always love Him in return, because He first loved us. How can we not be satisfied with such a caring God? How can we not experience such marvelous joy in His presence? We must experience the joy and gladness that is brought through His everlasting love for us, because He only wants what is best for us!


The Book of Psalms is a book that is simply a piecing together of the hearts of man toward God, and how God was faithful unto man. It shows the character and majesty of God, that even though God was sovereign and feared by many – He was also loving and cared deeply for His People’s and their needs. The work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of men is proven to be a world-changer, and God knew that if He instilled His Will into people, He could bring Heaven to Earth in so many different ways. He knew that people would be able to handle pieces of His Will and if many people were doing His Will, He would accomplish much. However, He knew it wouldn’t be enough, for He had to send Jesus to do things that man couldn’t do…e.g. bring salvation and change to the hearts of man through the fulfilling of the Law, bring an end to the physical Israel and birth the new Spiritual Israel, etc. What we see in the Psalms is the very basis of man’s hopefulness in God, and God’s everlasting faithfulness and love being expressed – even through the most of disasters. David was a prime example of a man who went through so many troubles, but still came out faithful to God, because He saw His Love!

Outline of The Book of Psalms (the one in the text is excellent, so here it is rewritten)

   I. Section one: The Genesis (Psalms 1-41)
       a. Blessings that come through obedience to God (Psalm 1)
       b. Testified of man’s fall and rebellion (Psalms 2-15)
       c. Hope of redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ (Psalms 16-41)
       d. Benediction & Amen
   II. Section two: The Exodus (Psalms 42-72)
       a. Cries of despair, because of devastation of Israel (Psalms 42-43)
       b. Songs of God’s mighty deliverance (Psalms 44-50)
       c. Apostasy, trials, temptations, and other troubles (Psalms 56-72)
       d. Benediction & Amen
   III. Section three: The Leviticus (Psalms 73-89)
       a. Fellowshipping with God (Psalms 73-83)
       b. Drawing of man into fellowship with God/relationship with God (Psalms 84-89)
       c. Benediction & Amen
   IV. Section four: The Numbers (Psalms 90-106)
       a. Lament of Israel in the wilderness (Psalm 90)
       b. Instructions (Psalms 91-94)
       c. Anticipation of rest (Psalms 95-100)
       d. How to enter His Rest (Psalms 101-106)
       e. Benediction & Amen & Hallelujah
   V. Section five: The Deuteronomy (Psalms 107-150)
       a. God and His Word – blessings of humanity based on obedience unto God

Psalm 31:19, “Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!”

Psalm 107:43, “Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD.”

The first part, which coincides with Genesis, which is Psalms 1-41, speaks of many things, which includes blessings, man’s fall and rebellion, and the hope of redemption in Jesus Christ. Similar to Genesis also we see the Jewish remnant in Jerusalem.

The second part, which coincides with Exodus, which is Psalms 42-72, speaks of the overall exodus or cast out of the remnant of Jerusalem, the devastation and ruin of Israel, a time of redemption, and the promise of a redeemer.

The third part, which coincides with Leviticus, which is Psalms 73-89, speaks of fellowship with God because of deliverance and restoration of Israel, I believe. The songs here draw men into fellowship or relationship to God. The fourth part, which coincides with Numbers, which is Psalms 90-106, speaks of man without God has no hope, the lamentation of the Israelites in the wilderness, the need or anticipation for rest in The Almighty, and instruction on how to enter rest with God – which would be the dwelling place of His People.

The fifth part, which coincides with Deuteronomy, which is Psalms 107-150, speaks of God’s ways overall, which concerns God and His Word – all blessings of humanity are based upon obedience unto God. Reminders of the consequences of disobedience are noted, and how we can see God making Israel’s enemies a footstool. The idea is for the Law to be written on His People’s hearts – which shall bring a love for His Law and His Word.

Jesus and Psalms

It was believed that the psalms were very familiar to Jesus Christ, and He would use them from time to time in His thoughts, as well as utterances (especially when dying on the cross). Jesus spoke that there were prophecies in the Book of Psalms that referred to Him. Messianic Psalms are the ones that pertain to Christ, which include 2, 8, 16, 21-23, 40-41, 45-48, 68-69, 72, 89, 102, 110, 118-119, and 132. We see all kinds of things that point to Christ, including the First and Second Advent, the future Tribulation, Millennium, and other suggestions of God’s Plan for Humanity.

Meaning of selah

The word, “SELAH,” in Hebrew means, “to lift up, exalt.” In the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, it says the meaning of it is, “suspension (of music), i.e. Pause – Selah.” Therefore, I believe that SELAH means to pause reading/singing, exalt the Lord, and ponder what you’ve read so far.


This book had much to do with divine wisdom supplied to and applied to the earthly conditions of God’s People. We see the applications of wisdom to help in everyday life. This book reminds us to be teachable, be reliant upon God and His words (written texts), be discerning of everyday situations, be kind to people, deal with everyday troubles, handle money well, and have good self-control. The wisdom provided will enable us to avoid many errors and mistakes in life, and help us walk with integrity unto God. People didn’t just need wisdom back in Israelite time, but even in today’s contemporary world. It helps people overall with sexual morality, family responsibilities, government and private affairs, and ethics in work. I believe the wisdom in Proverbs is practical, and that it encourages people to live righteously unto God.

Outline of the Book of Proverbs

   I. The contrast between wisdom and folly (Proverbs 1-9)
       a. Promoting a wise life
       b. Warnings of foolishness
   II. The Proverbs of Solomon (Proverbs 10-29)
       a. Topical (multiple topics are expressed)
   III. The Wisdom of King Agur (Proverb 30)
       a. Some say Agur might be Solomon, for the word “agur” means “collector.” Some say he was a non-Israelite.
   IV. The Sayings of King Lemuel (Proverb 31)
       a. Some say Lemuel might be Solomon, for Lemuel was not known. Some say he too was a non-Israelite.
       b. Anonymous poem of a woman of godly character

Proverb 15:31, “The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise.”

Extensive outline

Chapter One

   • The value of wisdom & purpose of the Book of Proverbs (1:1-7)
   • Avoid bad company and heed the instruction you’re given (1:8-19)
   • Dealing with temptations with wisdom (1:20-33)

Chapter Two

   • Rewards of seeking wisdom (2:1-9)
   • Safety from evil (2:10-19)
   • Wisdom’s direction to good ways (2:20-22)

Chapter Three

   • The life devoted to God (3:1-4)
   • God’s leadership, correction, and help (3:5-12)
   • Riches don’t buy wisdom (3:13-35)

Chapter Four

   • Desiring wisdom (4:1-9)
   • God’s wisdom brings true freedom (4:10-19)
   • Keep the mind in good health, especially in thoughts and attitudes (4:20-27)

Chapter Five

   • Warning against temptations of prostitutes (5:1-14)
   • Married men should be faithful to their wife (5:15-23)

Chapter Six

   • Warning against troublesome language, laziness, and mischievous behavior (6:1-19)
   • More warnings against sexual immorality (6:20-35)

Chapter Seven

   • Immoral women’s temptations (7:1-20)
   • Whole life spoiled and warning for young men about temptations of strange women (7:21-27)

Chapter Eight

   • Wisdom is a woman speaking to passersby (8:1-3)
   • Characteristics of wisdom (8:4-21)
   • The eternal God is the source of wisdom (8:22-36)

Chapter Nine

   • Wisdom is a gracious lady who wants people to enjoy her gifts (9:1-6)
   • Those who welcome criticism will increase wisdom (9:7-12)
   • Silly and ignorant invited to the party; unlawful pleasures (9:13-18)

Chapter Ten

   • Comments about wisdom, behavior, and other topics in previous proverbs (10:1-9)
   • Speaking openly in love will bring peace (10:10-14)
   • Honest wealth and usage of money (10:15-26)
   • God’s promises of long life and protection of the righteous, and warning to the wicked (10:27-32)

Chapter Eleven

   • Dishonest conduct causes many problems (11:1-15)
   • God’s help in people’s lives, His rewards, and suffering (11:16-31)

Chapter Twelve

   • Treatment towards other people (12:1-7)
   • Value of humility, handling money well, honest work, and genuine wisdom (12:8-28)

Chapter Thirteen

   • Parental advice and discipline should be highly valued (13:1-6)
   • Tips about wealth (13:7-11)
   • Satisfaction of life in spite of troubles and hardship (13:12-21)
   • Problems with justice in wealthy people and preparing their children (13:22-25)

Chapter Fourteen

   • People’s actions reveal how they view God (14:1-8)
   • Good people prosper and evil people lose much (14:9-21)
   • Wisdom about upright living (14:22-35)

Chapter Fifteen

   • Words can be used to build up or tear people down (15:1-12)
   • People’s attitudes determine life’s situation (15:13-33)

Chapter Sixteen

   • People have plans, but God’s Will matters more (16:1-20)
   • Pleasant speech and living right (16:21-33)

Chapter Seventeen

   • Peace is a blessing among people, especially family (17:1-9)
   • The problem with foolish people (17:10-28)

Chapter Eighteen

   • Unteachable people or foolish knowledge (18:1-12)
   • Strength of mind and spirit are important (18:13-18)
   • True and strong friendship is important (18:19-24)

Chapter Nineteen

   • Morality is better than wealth (19:1-3)
   • Friends and people with money or no money (19:4-12)
   • Treatment of other people (19:13-20)
   • God helps with the affairs of people’s lives (19:21-29)

Chapter Twenty

   • Honesty in everything (20:1-20)
   • Learning patience (20:21-30)

Chapter Twenty-One

   • God’s direction of people’s lives (21:1-4)
   • Prosperity’s rewards (21:5-8)
   • People’s selfish ways (21:9-21)
   • Wisdom is more important than military might and testimonies (21:22-31)

Chapter Twenty-Two

   • Wise people in bringing up their children (22:1-9)
   • Working together in harmony (22:10-16)
   • Correct use of proverbs (22:17-29)

Chapter Twenty-Three

   • Desire for wealth and social classes (23:1-8)
   • Dealing with wise and foolish people (23:9-21)
   • Children should respect their parents (23:22-25)
   • Other issues with immoral behavior and drunkenness (23:26-35)

Chapter Twenty-Four

   • Wisdom strengthens people (24:1-7)
   • Evil people menace society (24:8-12)
   • Wisdom and righteousness defend against the wicked (24:13-34)

Chapter Twenty-Five

   • Kingly duties and treacherous people (25:1-7)
   • Carefulness in accusations against people (25:8-15)
   • Self-control brings good character (25:16-28)

Chapter Twenty-Six

   • Fools honor fools (26:1-12)
   • Lazy people and troublemakers bring ruin to people (26:13-28)

Chapter Twenty-Seven

   • Good character, and actions towards friends/people (27:1-10)
   • Common sense saves much trouble (27:11-18)
   • The mind and character of people reflects their true self (27:19-27)

Chapter Twenty-Eight

   • Problem with bad consciences and corrupt people create bad societies (28:1-7)
   • Exploiting the poor brings consequences (28:8-14)
   • The problems with terrible rulers and suffering (28:15-28)

Chapter Twenty-Nine

   • Review of moral and ethical behavior of people (29:1-11)
   • Unjust rules and rich people persecute lower class people, lack of justice (29:12-27)

Chapter Thirty

   • Agur longs to know God but feels he cannot (30:1-6)
   • Agur wants moderation or contentment in life (30:7-9)
   • Agur’s wise saying in dealing with people and mastering difficulties/disciplines (30:10-33)

Chapter Thirty-One

   • Lemuel is warned against troubling situations (such as women and wine) (31:1-9)
   • The ideal wife (31:10-31)


The writer of this book seemed to want to encourage God’s People to find the meaning of life as God had intended. The teacher seemed to have his own interpretation, which was based on truths that not only is God sovereign, but He is the Creator. The teacher speaks that no matter what people gain in life, it’s all for naught, because of death. Gain is vanity, but focus on the divine brings good things. God is in control, because He’s sovereign, and that although God’s Purposes cannot be fully discovered/known, people shouldn’t waste time searching after what God has kept for Himself. We need to concentrate on enjoying life, which is what He gave us to enjoy. The teacher stresses that people should find enjoyment in God’s world and not spend time stressing in work and their own pleasures. The enjoyment should be found in prosperity rather than folly, and to do good rather than evil. He goes from talking about accepting and enjoying the life that God the Creator gives, to make the most out of life’s stressors, and have an overall positive attitude/outlook on life.

Outline of the Book of Ecclesiastes

   I. Accepting and enjoying the life God gives (Ecclesiastes 1-4)
       a. Is there a purpose to life?
       b. Lessons in life
       c. General revelation of Solomon’s dark moments:
           i. Punishment and reward (2:26; 3:17)
           ii. Man’s Immortality (3:11)
           iii. God’s Existence (3:14)
   II. Making the most out of life’s troubles (Ecclesiastes 5-10)
       a. Advice given about religion, money, life, and death.
       b. Thoughts given on wisdom and folly.
       c. General revelation of Solomon’s dark moments:
           i. God’s existence reviewed (5:2)
           ii. God’s Justice (5:8; 8:12)
           iii. God’s sovereignty and power (6:2; 7:13; 9:1)
           iv. Man’s sinfulness (7:20; 9:8)
           v. Man’s finiteness and limitations (8:8, 17)
           vi. Punishment and reward mentioned again (8:12)
           vii. Man’s duty and responsibility (9:7-10)
   III. Having an overall positive outlook on life (Ecclesiastes 11-12)
       a. Boldness in troublesome times
       b. Advice given to young people 
       c. General revelation of Solomon’s dark moments:
           i. Punishment and reward reviewed (11:9; 12:14)
           ii. Man’s immortality reviewed (12:7)
           iii. Man’s duty and responsibility mentioned again (12:13)

Ecclesiastes 11:9, “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.”

It was thought that Ecclesiastes was written during King Solomon’s final years of his life, which is probably him evaluating his life overall. Many people reflect on their life, the decisions they’ve made – what works and what doesn’t, and help others with the wisdom they gained because of it. Ecclesiastes shows an evaluation of life, in general, which is based upon a great deal of wisdom and philosophy on how King Solomon saw his life.

It would seem that Solomon hunted unsuccessfully for “heart satisfaction” in “things under the sun,” but all was “vanity.” The expression exposes the heart cry of humanity. In the Bible, sometimes evil men (and even the devil) were quoted, but we are not to follow what they say. God inspired Solomon in many ways based on Solomon’s humanity. His ideas are not to be taken necessarily as God’s answers to life’s problems, and therefore, no statement of this book should be considered the full truth of God unless confirmed by other Scripture. This book represents a warning to tell us to stop foolish reasoning and to seek after truth from God and the Bible only. Solomon admits the failure of human wisdom, and therefore, he returns to God’s commandments as the source of truth. We can think that Solomon is telling us what not to do in our lives.

The conclusion, to which Solomon arrives is that “all is vanity.” He puts this phrase toward the beginning of the book to show that it is the overall theme of the book. If people think the book is too long and they don’t want to read it, they’ll just read that all is vanity and get the meaning of the book. There is an utter fallacy of the different things this Earth has to offer, as he explains. Therefore, Solomon concludes that all is vanity.

Song of Solomon

People are divided on the true meaning of this book; however, we see Solomon’s intellectual works and other wisdom at work here. He had many wives and concubines, but I believe this is a great collection of love songs. Many of the poems/songs found attribute actual feelings and events, but others do recount dreams. Some recall the past, present, and future. Sexual love has its rightful place between a man and a woman. God approves of sexual love, particularly between married couples. Many of the symbolic/allegorical interpretations of this book provide unashamed descriptions of love and sex. It may seem strange to many people and cultures, however, this was how it was around his time. The beauty and power of the language displayed in this book shows the intensity of human love. There is also the representation of the man (Solomon) being as Christ, and the woman (the Bride) being as the Church – which shows the two of them growing in relationship with each other.

Outline of The Book of The Song of Solomon

   I. Praise toward each other (1-2:7)
       a. The girl longs for her love
       b. The lovers share conversation
   II. Memories and dreams shared (2:8-6:3)
       a. The girl thinks constantly of her lover
       b. Wedding procession
       c. The girl’s dream of unfulfilled longing
   III. The strength shown in true love (6:4-8)
       a. They share desires with each other
       b. Restraining of showing love to each other openly
       c. Being at home with friends and family

Song of Solomon 4:1, “Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.”

Song of Solomon 1:7, “Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest, where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon: for why should I be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy companions?”

To understand this book, we must have spiritual insight, as well as a means of Bible history. Many things are drawn upon analogically. The main characteristics are figurative, and yet, truth flows – which touches our emotions to the depth of the heart. Overall, in the book, there is a harmony of love and of peace; which is the true inspiration of God!

Solomon was born to David and Bathsheba, as we see in 2 Samuel 12:24, “And David comforted Bathsheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her: and she bare a son, and he called his name Solomon: and the LORD loved him.” Solomon was made King after David, as we see in 1 Kings 1:30, “Even as I sware unto thee by the LORD God of Israel, saying, Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne in my stead; even so will I certainly do this day.” Then, we see that Solomon was included in the genealogy of Christ, as we see in Matthew 1:1, 6, 17: “1 - The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. 6 - And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias. 17 - So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.” Appears that Solomon wrote 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs, as we see in 1 Kings 4:32, “And he spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five.”

The Eastern lands, the custom of forgiveness is a kiss demonstrating true forgiveness – for we have continual forgiveness from our Lord, therefore, forgiveness should be shown to people and even to the Lord when we become angry with Him. Wine is a type of redemption by the Blood, for we find a love at redemption, but the more our relationship deepens with Jesus, we find that place of deep love. Our song of redemption turns to the song of love!


“Let us go forth into the field?” 7:11-12: She will not have a moving desire until the Holy Ghost draws her, for she feels she cannot go by herself and needs others to help her. Later, she grows into maturity, and says, “let us go forth into the field.” She may now, because of the right leading, be freer and observe the fruits of the earth. We see a symbol of abiding in the Lord here, for the more we abide in Him, the more rejoicing we find and the love that deepens.

It seems the text is point to Jesus the Bridegroom as Shepherd being introduced in this verse. She is searching for Him, whom she loves, to feed her, and help her in time of trouble. She longed for a touch from the Lord Himself, and she sees that He is a Shepherd, and so she longs to be included and to eat where He feeds.

The “cheek” in Hebrew describes the jawbone, for the jawbone can show forth the invisible will of Man. It can be set or fixed, which reveals anger or rebellion. Her cheeks are soft and pleasant, showing that her will is flexible to the Lord’s Will. She shows by her facial expression that she has a heart that is obedient to the Word.

The borders of gold with studs of silver describe beautiful and honorable ornaments – and this is symbolic of the various gifts and graces from Christ placed upon the Church. Many speak, which we also see in the text, that The Lord has fastened His deity of gold with silver, which is His redemption, for linen is the dress of righteousness.

She likens her Bridegroom to a cluster of lovely white, very fragrant, flowers, as we see in the text. It is named from a root, “to be white.” The root of the tree would be used to whiten the ladies’ skin. The meaning of this verse is that the Bride is building her spiritual house, for at salvation she is a babe in Christ, but she grows daily. Her spiritual house is described to have beams and rafters, for the beams speak of her inner structure and support. They were made of cedar, which is used so moths and rust cannot corrupt – as the cedar was known for its beauty, fragrance, and long life. The rafters form the roof, which is the crown of the house.

In this Chapter 1, the Bride can be likened to the Church. The Bride expresses her strong desires and wishes, for some fresh discoveries of love and communion. His love and sweet savour makes her enjoy the fellowship with him. She observes her own blackness and uncomeliness, for the troubles she had with others – she asks for direction to where she might meet with him. She sees him as a shepherd; feeding his flocks, giving them rest, etc. He returns a good answer to her, which acknowledges her beauty and gives her instructions on where to find him. He promises good things unto her, and she declares the value for him. Her beauty is praised again, for she is precious. She expresses her pleasure and satisfaction of the house he built for her, and its furniture. The spiritual application drawn from this that ministered to me was actually applying the Church as the Bride, and seeing “him” as Christ. This was a “wow” moment for me, because it makes much sense that Christ would be in love with the Church. How wonderful and wise!

Into Chapter 2, The Bride, who’s not matured yet, says that her Beloved is hers, and she is His. We cannot claim all that belongs to Jesus as ours until we are first willing to give all that is ours unto Him. We see the Bride later come to maturity by saying that she is her Beloved’s, and her Beloved is hers. She persists to being at the center of attraction instead of the Lord being it. The Bridegroom finds such love for His Bride and others of the flock who get fed, whether they’re in the valley or on the mountain – for the roe doesn’t feed in busy streets, but in the valleys. The Bride then asks to go to Bether with her Bridegroom as a roe or a young hart who lives on the mountains in Bether, for Bether means the separated or divided place. She is asking to be with Him night and day. She had not fully surrendered her will yes, but she was willing to be made willing. She put up a wall, which separated her away from everything at Bether, and therefore, she had to learn of the prayer closet, a place to pray. The Golden Altar was the Holy Place. There are many mountains that we as people must overcome, but our Bridegroom has made the way possible – for He went on ahead and waited, but because of her wall, she did not go.

In Chapter 3, If we look at these verses on Christ’s perspective, we see the Church seeking Christ (missing Him and searching for Him using our own efforts), her great joy as she finds Him (and is excited in great love for Him), and her charge to the daughters of Jerusalem not to awaken her Beloved. The Roe was calling from Mt. Bether, and the Bride found herself in the night season. She follows her own way, missing her loved one, and hoped He would understand her not going to Bether and abiding with her. She then searches for Him: in her bed, the city streets, in the broadway, and even she asked the watchmen who had no answers. Sometimes people cannot be helped, but the Bride asked to go to Bether, changed her mind, and didn’t go. Now, immediately when she began to separate herself and turn from the places she searched, she had found her Beloved, there at the place of beginning. The King has taken her into His chambers, and she’s glad, remembers His love more than wine, and it is His love that she desires – so she must come back to the detour she made. Finally, she doesn’t want her Beloved awoken, so she tells them not to wake Him.

The chariot noted in verse 10 was made of Cedar of Lebanon. It tells us that it is a place of strength – that no insects can penetrate the wood, it’s a clean place, and was part of the waters of purification during the offering of the red heifer (as we see in Numbers 19). The pillars of silver make up the structure of the foundation, and our foundation is redemption by His redeeming grace. Finally, the bottom of gold is His deity in the Godhead, for it is complete, covered with purple – which is His royalty. The Bride is being covered with His royalty.

We see the Bride has found her place on the Chariot, and she had a desire that the daughters of Zion may too behold the King with a crown. This crown is not the crown of glory or of the millennial Kingdom – or even a crown to rule as King…however, it is a Crown of crowns which bestows on Solomon by his mother, because of his union to his loved one. This compares to the New Testament, in that there are two crowns mentioned in the New Testament: one represents the glorious power of our Lord’s supreme rule and authority, and the other is the crown of joyous happiness in 1 Thessalonians 2:19. Jesus, who was the one before the foundation of the world, was in the Father; but in the fullness of time, He was sent as His Son, born of a woman under the Law to bring redemption. She brought forth Jesus who was to be espoused to all who were chosen before the foundation of the world to be His Bride. His mother crown Him and espoused Him to all generations!

This chapter 4 talks much about the praising of the Bride’s (Church’s) beauty by her Beloved (Christ) – who comments on several of her attributes, including her eyes, hair, teeth, lips, temples, neck, and breasts (for the Church is beautiful). After He determines where He’s going to go, He invites her to go with Him – which was a rescue, it appears, from danger. He talks about new ways to describe her – which she was like a garden and orchard, or a spring and fountain – all of which she makes good in His eyes. The chapter closes with an order from Him to the winds to blow on his garden; causing the spices of it to flow out, and with an invitation to the Bride (the Church) to come unto Him (Christ) – that is, come into His garden and relax there.

Doves’ eyes are single, seeing only one thing in their vision – to which the Holy Spirit is compared. The Bride has her eyes “within her locks” – which means that the world cannot see nor understand the spiritual perception that the Bride sees. The spiritual sense is veiled so that the Lord could enjoy the beauty that becomes of it. The hair indicates special consecration and obedience. The goats in this period were used as sin offerings and ready to be sacrificed at any time. The hair pointed to a consecration or dedication as the Nazarites are; an offering of ourselves unto the Lord. Teeth indicate the ability to appropriate, for they chew food. The Bride’s teeth are described as well-formed and perfectly arranged. With teeth like these, she was well equipped to feed on the meat of the words of the Lord. They were used to get out the most from God’s words. Now, sheep are considered as clean, and were not only shorn but also washed. The Holy Ghost and the Word will keep a clean mouth. Teeth grew in pairs, and twins give the idea of good and orderly ability to receive the things of the Lord – for there is no lack because of bad teeth, and good teeth bring good digestion. We can trace a thread of scarlet through the Bible, for it is always a token of redemption and speaks of the Blood of Jesus. Our lips need to go through the process of redemption by submission to the authority of Christ our King, and speak of the purity and virtue of the Lord.

“Amana” means, “covenant, support, faithful, or to build.” This concerns marriage representing faithfulness and support. “Shenir” means, “snow mountain, painted, or a peak.” The Bridegroom invites her to come up higher to catch a new vision of His love.

   1. Pomegranate – which represents love for the Word of God (seeds)
   2. Camphire – which represents joy!
   3. Spikenard – which represents peace.
   4. Saffron – which represents longsuffering.
   5. Calamus – which represents gentleness.
   6. Cinnamon – which represents goodness.
   7. Frankincense – which represents faith.
   8. Myrrh – which represents meekness and humility.
   9. Aloes – which represents temperance (used for perfuming garments).
   1. Spring water – Psalm 85:11, “Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven.”
   2. Fountain water – Proverb 14:27, “The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.”
   3. Well water – Proverb 10:11, “The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.”
   4. Streams – Amos 5:24, “But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.”

Continuing with Jesus

He (Christ) graciously accepts the invitation that His Bride (the Church) had given Him, and then He visits her. Her troubles resulting from foolishness, but He is excellent and helps us! He is indeed altogether lovely as we see in this Chapter 6!

Song of Solomon 5:16, “His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.”

As the Bride was looking for her Bridegroom, she fell into the hands of the Watchmen. They were looking for her and found her. The Watchmen found her, smote her, wounded her, and took away her veil. They became her enemies, and they took her veil; her independence. However, her Beloved desired for her to be dependent on Him, in which she was very humiliated. Then, she describes her beloved...

   1. “White and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.” Not white is being ill, but a ruddy white is a specimen of perfect health – therefore, He’s known as the Chiefest among the Thousand, and One to whom all people rally.
   2. “His head is as the finest gold; his locks are bushy, and black as a raven.” The Bride describes her Beloved from His head to feet. His head of gold depicts His dominion over all things and His sovereignty is both beautiful and powerful. The head is first to be unveiled of His stature. His locks are “bushy,” which means piled up, elevated, and eminent. His locks are black as a raven (which we know the raven fed Elijah), He feeds us from the gold of exaltation to the raven of crucifixion.
   3. “His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set.” Doves enjoy being at the rivers of waters. His eyes are discerning, all seeing, very clean, and pure to see the heart’s deepest longing.
   4. “His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers: his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh.” His cheeks are as a bed of spices references first the bed, which means to be as a high tower, to long for, to cry, etc. His check gives forth fragrance, and fragrance stirs up longing and arouses desire. His cheeks are part of His head, as well, so therefore, we need His headship. His lips are sweet and fragrant as lilies, smelling of sweet myrrh.
   5. “His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires.” His hands are “set,” meaning filled – filled with “beryl,” meaning to judge, test, try, or investigate. The beryl alone is a symbol of His power. His hands are like wheels, the potter’s wheel that molds and makes us. The word, “belly,” means abdomen, bowels, heart, womb, and the seat of generation. He was moved with great feelings of love and compassion. Now, ivory came from elephant’s tusks and is a product of pain and suffering. The word, “ivory,” means sharp as a tooth, a forefront, to teach. The sapphire is a deep blue revealing hidden truths. The word, “sapphire,” meant a gem used for scratching, to inscribe, to shew forth, to tell out, and to celebrate. Every day our Lord shows His Glory!
   6. “His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.” His legs are as pillars of marble, strong and stately set upon sockets of fine gold. Pillars being upright refer to the will of God, which is pictured in a vertical position. It refers to walking in the will of God. “Set,” means to be anchored. Marble speaks of a substance that is solid and unmovable. This would be true about Jesus! His countenance has the wonderful fragrance, and His appearance is excellent as Cedars – for Lebanon was known for its beautiful Cedars. The Bride has lived under His countenance, which was full of peace with a cleansing fragrance.
   7. “His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely.” His mouth is most sweet, and He is altogether lovely. What can be said better than this truth? She knows there is no one else like Him, and she wants to continue revealing Him!

In hopes to seek Him (6:1) – the Bride witnesses the Bridegroom’s own loveliness II. She sees her Beloved and acknowledges that He is hers. (6:2-3) III. He praises the girl’s loveliness (6:4-12) IV. He recalls His spouse (6:13) Song of Solomon 6:4, “Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners.”

The Bride has gone in a chariot, and the cry came from the Daughters of Jerusalem saying, “return, return.” From the four corners of the earth will the Bride be taken, and those left behind will cry, “Return!” There will be a company of two armies: saints of the Old Testament and saints of the New Testament. The dead in Christ and those who are alive in Christ shall be caught up at His coming. We see in this verse that Christ is recalling His spouse, and I believe this repeated word demonstrates Christ’s passion for the woman, and the desire is upon the people for a return of that love.

In Chapter 7, He (Christ) gives a fresh praise of the Bride (the Church), beginning with her “feet,” and rising up toward the “hair” on her head. The Bride then shows interest in Him, and He shows His desire toward her. The inward explanations involve the thigh, which has two joints at the hip and the knee. The hip joint is a ball and socket joint at the upper end of the thighbone, with its primary function to help in free movement. These joints formed in the Bride had enabled her to walk in the will of the Bridegroom, so that it was a joy and delight for her to move in any direction at His command. In verse 4, her neck is described as a tower of ivory – which means it is clear, smooth, long, straight, and erected – much as the Tower of David was. The tower of ivory signifies that she was prepared for any suffering, even death, so that the Lord’s purpose would be acknowledged in her life. Her eyes are as the fish pools – which means that they are full, clear, quiet, and pleasant – which means they’re open to the light of Heaven. Her eyes are of seeing and understanding in purity and openness. The pool is a reflector as well. Thus, the eyes reflect joy and peace. Her eyes are an open gateway to see her Bridegroom and accompany His ways. Her nose was as the tower of Lebanon – which refers to discernment and perceptibility. She is able to keep foundational truths correct to build her strong spiritual house. The Tower of Lebanon, which looks to Damascus, means a sense that is high, pointed, and direct. Her head was as Carmel – which means eminent and pleasant to the eye, as well as fruitful as Mount Carmel was. Carmel meant, “a planted field, garden, orchard, vineyard or park, produce, plentiful, or fruitful. The head speaks of knowledge, wisdom, and ruling power. In her mind, she was very fruitful and productive, because she was ruled by her Bridegroom into a Kingdom of righteousness. The hair again refers to special dedication, which this time it was purple, which bears the meaning of royalty – for she now has throne authority.

Hebrews 6:4-5 speaks of the Heavenly gift being tasted, and that we were partakers of the Holy Ghost and have tasted the good Word of God and the powers of the world to come. The best wine was saved for the last of the wedding feast. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will also have those who are dead in Christ, raised up to join those that are alive for the Marriage Supper. Those that are asleep in the Lord will speak at the Bridegroom’s coming.

In Chapter 8...

   I. In verse 1, it seems the Bride needs a physical release, a renewed body. Therefore, she will have a final perfection of her body when she gains and immortal body at His Second Coming. The Bride prays for a closer communion with Him!
   II. In verse 2, we see that we are free children, ones not of the bondwoman. Her desire would be to bring Him into her home. For He instructs her, and allows her to have the cup of marriage, which is similar to the cup of betrothal at the Last Supper for Jesus.
   III. In verse 3, we see that the left hand and the right hand are to hold the Bride…for He (Christ) embraced His Bride. This shall be good for both sides to embrace each other, especially at Christ’s Second Coming, for there is good communion in Him.
   IV. In verse 4, the Bride dwells in the hope of His return, so that she will be with Him forever. We are as people waiting for our savior to come again, and we shall be with Him forever.
   V. In verse 5, she’s gone through the wilderness (her troubles), depending on the hope of her Beloved. Her Beloved was described as an apple tree, and she learned of His fruits of love.
   VI. In verse 6, she has the hope that He would stamp His love on her heart, so that He would be the first in her affections. She loves Him so much that she would rather show affection to Him first. Her love is so strong for Him, that she wants all jealousy, troubles to be out of the way, and only let love dwell between them.
   VII. In verse 7, we see that nothing can quench the love between them, and there isn’t a substitute for it.
   VIII. In verse 8, she is worried for the one that is immature, because she had nothing of value from the Lord – this is probably because of the lack of faith.
   IX. In verse 9, we see the protection we are granted from Him (Christ), for He wants us to grow and establish ourselves in His love, but doesn’t want outsiders to try to corrupt it. Therefore, she is safe from harm.
   X. In verse 10, she dedicates herself to Him only, and she is full of the knowledge of Him...for she has found in her maturity the favor of His eyes, and knows that her love is made perfect in Him, because they’re one!
   XI. In verse 11, we see that He had a vineyard at the Baalhamon, and there were keepers assigned there and were required to bring a certain amount of silver with their works. Christ gives us each a vineyard (area) to tend, and expects to see its fruit take form and come forth.
   XII. In verse 12, we see the Bride having her own vineyard to tend,, and she gives unto Him His share, and then the keepers get their portion of it. She is interested in bringing good things unto Him and blessing others who helped as well.
   XIII. In verse 13, we see that He has many gardens that are maintained by many people, and He dwells in the gardens.
   XIV. In verse 14, she continually longs after her Beloved, as she once said before, and this shows that she is continually devoted to Him and wants Him forevermore.

This was definitely eye opening on the revelatory truths about Jesus in this Book, and how much this Book reflected upon Christ. It is definitely worth reading over repeatedly just to recognize the beauty of each party (Christ and His Bride), as well as looking at the beauty of their relationship. In Song of Solomon 2:6, this was revelatory to hear the story of the interpretation from the text (as I had already written above in Chapter 2 question 6): “The Old Testament Tabernacle was a beautiful type of Jesus Christ. For it is the form of the Cross. We see His stature in the layout of the furniture, where His left hand is stretched to the Table of Shewbread, the Bride lays her head in Jesus’ hand of the governmental twelve loaves of bread, and the precious will of God and His Word that renews the mind, which gives rest and peace. His right hand stretched to the Golden Candlestick, where Jesus is not only the Bread, but also the Light of the World. We learn the Word at the Table of Shewbread, however, it takes the Light to reveal it to our hearts and embrace it to our whole being.”