Prayer topics

From Journey the Word

The following is a non-exhaustive list of many things to pray for, especially when you don't know what to pray. This is used primarily for indirect and direct prayer ministry.

Remember to not cease in prayer, as Jesus instructs in Luke 18:1, and do not fear for bad news (Psalm 112:7).

Humanitarian Crises

Updated in 2023: -- United Nations website

World Issues

  • For the LORD to have His Way in turning around evil for good in His Way.
  • Opportunity for the poor and needy to hear the gospel, to have jobs, to be helped by others to survive and thrive.
  • For Gratitude - People to be thankful for what they have.
  • Against Loneliness
  • For safety, security, and love to flow more into the world.
  • Hunger and starvation, malnutrition, water around the world.
  • Christians around the world, especially under persecution, prison, or death threats just because of their faith.
  • That Islamic persecution of Christians will cease.
  • Freedom in totalitarian countries for the people.
  • Against worldliness, sin, and all evil.
  • Against violence.
  • World leaders to lose their sense of power and help those who are in need and send proper humanitarian aid.
  • The world to come to the knowledge of Christ Jesus and the hope that never fades.
  • That people of the world will recognize that the wisdom of the world is faulty compared to the wisdom of GOD and His Omniscience.
  • That the Bible will remain the most popular title to read and use for everyday life, and societies to base their governance on it more.
  • Against the activities of darkness, false religions, the occult, and every major threat to the peace and godliness of the Lord's Elect.
  • The false prophet will be made known and be humbled.
  • Against war and turmoil in the world, so that things may be worked out civilly, not forcefully.
  • Unity of the church of the world, Christians united as one to take down the forces of darkness and prevent tragedies.

Family (can include yourself)

  • Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding be given unto us.
  • Renewed intimacy between your spouse and you.
  • Security of children.
  • For safety, security, and love to flow more into ourselves and family.
  • Against guns, violence, malicious behavior, and other weapons of warfare.
  • Unity of the family.
  • We shall learn how to love GOD and love people more everyday.
  • That we shall not falter in preserving the ethics and guidelines we are given in the Bible on living and being well.
  • Healing from past hurt and pains.
  • To learn self control.
  • To increase in total character development, the fruit of the Spirit.
  • That GOD would use your life and family's lives to be a testimony of His Goodness and Will in the world.
  • That you and people around you will begin to see things from the proper, reformed perspective of Jesus Christ (seeing the good, and how I can be of value to people, instead of seeing the bad, or why is everything happening to me).
  • For more friends that are supportive and bring you closer to GOD.
  • Deliverance from negative influences, past experiences, and other inflammatory things detrimental to a Christian's life.
  • That GOD would help your family notice who needs help, and to be more generous with time and resources.
  • That giving it all to GOD is okay, that people will recognize that GOD wants to help them.

Life issues

  • For contentment in finances, and if needed prayer for more work to earn more money, or for financial help as needed.
  • For contentment in life, not wanting more, being satisfied with what you have, only possessing what is necessary to live well for GOD.
  • Discernment to help you make the right decisions, and have the LORD's Help in every aspect of your life.
  • That the self-employed will be filled with fresh ideas of making their business better, or for the regularly employed to perform well at their jobs and do the best they can.
  • GOD's protection over the lives of His people.
  • That they know the entire beauty of GOD'S LOVE for their lives and the lives of others.
  • That prayer continues to work well for the saints of GOD to help encourage change in the world by the power of GOD.
  • Thankfulness to GOD that things might be worse, but they are not.
  • Divine comfort and the Holy Spirit to come and manifest love and peace, joy and righteousness.
  • Our ministry to grow exponentially in the world so we can continue to help many more people.